Monday, September 29, 2008


Oil on canvas, 11" x 14", painted over several years, started on Seroquil, finished on Geodone

A girl stands peeling an apple. She is wearing an outfit designed my Marc Jacobs. During its season it was photographed frequently for fashion magazines. At her side is a large oriental fish bowl with a glass top. This is a duplicate of a piece of furniture I own. On the side table are three apples, waiting to be peeled.

In the background is a kneeling, naked girl. She is facing a fireplace and has a small broom in her hand. With this broom she is sweeping up ashes. The fireplace has an ornate, carved mantel. On top of the mantel there are four lit candles and a glowing lamp.


Anonymous said...

I think this is your best piece.


Anonymous said...

I love the detail in the china table